Processing the Waves of Grief

Whether it is a spouse, a friend, or a child, losing someone we love is painful and difficult. It takes time to process the loss and the grief - and it is often described as coming in waves. In this group experience, you will have a place to sit with others who are...

Carpe Diem PM Zoom

Seize your adventurous spirit and enjoy the boundless possibilities of summer. Discover untold tales of legendary men and women, embark on thrilling journeys to distant shores and delve into uncharted realms of new interests. This summer, let's ignite our curiosity...

Carpe Diem PM IP

Seize your adventurous spirit and enjoy the boundless possibilities of summer. Discover untold tales of legendary men and women, embark on thrilling journeys to distant shores and delve into uncharted realms of new interests. This summer, let's ignite our curiosity...

Carpe Diem AM Zoom

Seize your adventurous spirit and enjoy the boundless possibilities of summer. Discover untold tales of legendary men and women, embark on thrilling journeys to distant shores and delve into uncharted realms of new interests. This summer, let's ignite our curiosity...

Carpe Diem AM IP

Seize your adventurous spirit and enjoy the boundless possibilities of summer. Discover untold tales of legendary men and women, embark on thrilling journeys to distant shores and delve into uncharted realms of new interests. This summer, let's ignite our curiosity...

Best Medicine

'Humor is an instant vacation,' according to Milton Berle, and what better way to enjoy the summer than to read some clsasic works by writers  who use humor and satire to comment on society, human behavior, and the human condition? In this class, readers can...

Ukranian Reverse Glass Painting

One of the lesser known folk arts in Ukraine is reverse glass painting which is created by applying paint to a piece of glass, then turning the glass over and viewing the image through the glass. This art form was widely used in the painting of Byzantine icons, many...