So What Does a Buddhist Do?

We have all heard that buddhists meditate, go on solitary retreats, engage in exotic rituals, etc. But what do buddhists actually do? What are these practices and why do them? In this class, we’ll look at what buddhists practice by trying it out. In the big picture, the goal of buddhist practice is to welcome and grow our best qualities – among them compassion, joy and openness. While familiar to all of us, for buddhists these good human qualities are jewels worth gathering. And they’ve developed some interesting approaches in how they do that. To get a taste, we’ll give some of it a try and see for ourselves. The class will include guided sessions of different practices, discussions, exchanges and a selesction of readings. All are welcome!


Nov 22 2024


11:15 am - 12:15 pm




Founders Hall Staff
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