Fitness Instructor
Married (very happily) / Moved to Ridgefield in 1990 / 4 children / 8 grandchildren
*Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer since 1980
*Early on, began working with specialty populations –
Actively Aging, Post Rehab, Weight Control Programs
*Have taught several disciplines – Aerobics, Step, Spin, Yoga-Fit, Stretch, Strength Training, Core Conditioning
*Currently teaching Sculpt/Core Classes / Seated Strength and Conditioning
What I love about this wonderful career are the people, always the people! Have always considered it a privilege to be able to work so closely with individuals, helping them on their fitness journey. Whether as a group or as individuals, we share an interest in our health, and that can be very personal. Over time, many friends have been made within this community of like-minded people.
Beyond teaching what we are doing in a class, I have always tried to explain why we are doing it. Sharing with the class proper techniques to be safe and the purpose of the exercises, empowers them with information to better care for themselves. My hope is that within our class, we also create a community of friendship, support and a feeling of inclusiveness.
The Seated Stretch and Conditioning Class is geared toward maintaining muscle mass using weights, balls and exercise tubes. We cycle through upper and lower body exercises to increase strength and endurance. This class welcomes all fitness levels, and although we stay seated, we are able to work multiple muscle groups. There is an emphasis on Core Strength and it’s importance for maintaining a healthy posture as we age.
As a group, we are genuinely happy to see one another and we lean toward not taking ourselves too seriously. We are grateful for this opportunity to be together, working toward the “actively aging” process, and yet there is a camaraderie that is as important as the exercises that we do together.