Portraiture with Colored Pencil
This is not a beginners class, but is designed for students who have some portrait drawing background. Students learn basic elements of facial anatomy – muscle and bone structure – and come to understand how a knowledge of those elements are essential building blocks of portraiture. ‘Meditative’ is what Talburt calls the careful and methodical approach required for this marvelous medium with the jewel-like colors. The emphasis is on process more than product and the class is recommended for the committed art student who is interested in augmenting class work with work at home.
Supplies: Please bring the 48 color set of soft core Prismacolor pencils. Other supplies: 11×14 white drawing pad, 6 and 8B graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, a Derwent battery eraser (also available on Amazon for under $10.) Class will NOT meet on January 13. Class limited to 15.